Call of Counter Culture: Tanner Rahlf

MCS1 interviews Tanner Rahlf a man of many talents and achievements!

One time I was in bumper to bumper traffic on I-15, just north of Ogden. Stressed from the delay to my trip, I was curious what caused the backup. 45 minutes later I got my answer, a wreck on the other side of the highway... not the side we were going, but across the median, on the shoulder farthest from us, was a wreck. Utah, you incompetent, selfish, ignorant, rubbernecking drivers, you deserve this ranking. And congrats, you managed to do it all sober.
— Tanner Rahlf

Venmo for Day of Coke Donations:  TanTanRahlf

American Realism




White Trash Bash: Bracket 2 Announcement


The White Trash Bash: Bracket 1 Announcement